Talismanen borttagen ur Diablo 3

talisman En nyhet som hamnat i skymundan för den om runstenarnas effekt på färdigheter är att talismanen för charms tagits bort ur spelet.

Bashiok skriver att beslutet fattades utifrån den feedback som kom in under den interna testingen då man kom fram till att talismanen inte tillförde någon egentlig funktion. Han avslutar med att säga att talismanen förväntas att göra comeback i en eller annan form efter release.

Well, I can say from feedback and testing we’ve made the decision to pull the Talisman from the initial release of the game.

It was a cool idea at its core, but right now it’s just really too basic and doesn’t provide anything you can’t get from the armor and weapons you’re equipping. It requires a lot of the player to invest time and energy into finding and storing yet another type of item just to add player stats. When they do all that, it’s just to do something pretty boring that they can already do with awesome things like armor and weapons. Originally the Talisman had a much deeper design, but it proved very ambitious and it got whittled down over the years to a very basic +stat per single square. We like simplicity in our designs, but charms became superfluous in their purpose.

We really like the core idea, but we don’t want to stop everything and spend a large amount of time trying to fix the Talisman, although we do have some great ideas already. So, it’ll very likely come back in some form or another after the game ships. And be awesome.